
Example of A Successful Lesson

Last Tuesday, actually yesterday, I taught my first lesson to my 8th graders at Lescher. It went extremely well, and they seemed to like it (especially the candy at the end- this always works) So here is the copy of what I taught and the worksheet I designed for them.

This is the overhead:

Infinitives & Infinitive Phrases

What is a PHRASE?

Phrase- __________________________________________________________________

Types of Phrases:
Gerund &

Preposition- ______________________________________________________________

Prepositional Phrase- _______________________________________________________

New Notes:

***An infinitive is a verb form that may function as a noun.

It is formed from the word TO and the base form of a verb:

TO + base form of verb = an infinitive

It can either be the subject of a sentence:
Ex: To read can be beneficial

Or the direct object of an action verb:
Ex: Babies first learn to babble.

***An infinitive phrase= an infinitive + complements/modifiers

Ex: The bears prepared to eat nuts and berries
Ex: Marsha has chosen to eat all of her grandma’s chocolate chip cookies

Sally is always looking for a chance to swim. Infinitive
She goes to the pool at least once a day. Preposition

The difference is that ‘to’ is not considered a preposition when it is used right before a verb.

Infinitive Preposition
To read To the tree
To dance To his house

So… I’m sure you’re dying to know now how Infinitives function in the sentence…

Answer: as either the Subject or the Direct Object of an action verb

Find the action verb in the sentence:

My Aunt Sheryl loves to make muffins. Direct Object
To sing is relaxing. Subject

Groups for writing a sample paragraph:

Group 1- topic: scuba diving
Group 2- topic: CSAPs
Group 3- topic: weekend activities
Group 4- topic: Halloween
Group 5- topic: English class
Group 6- topic: the internet

Questions for the game at the end:

1) Which of these is a infinitive?

Ran to the tree had to choose skipped to the end

2) Define what a phrase is:

3) What is the formula for an infinitive?

4) What is the formula for a prepositional phrase?

5) An infinitive always includes what word?

6) How can you tell the difference between a preposition and an infinitive?

7) What is the infinitive in this sentence?
a. Everyone would like to get some candy.

8) Is the infinitive in this sentence a DO or a S?
a. My uncle Jerry loves to hit golf balls.

9) Name two kinds of phrases:

10) T or F this sentence has an infinitive phrase:
a. The squirrel ran to the tree.
This is the worksheet to accompany the lecture:
Practice with Infinitives
Name ____________________________

Section I
Directions: Circle the infinitive and underline the infinite phrase:

Ex: Let’s get together to fix the old tree house

1. My sister is teaching me to whistle.

2. Do you like to eat sushi?

3. I’m lucky to go to such a good school.

4. To ignore a red light is not a very good idea.

5. I’m lucky to know how to cook food so important to my mother’s heritage.

Section II
Directions: Circle the infinitive phrase, write DO if it acts as the direct object and S if it acts as the subject of the sentence:

1. Please don’t forget to feed the dog while I’m gone. ________

2. She hadn’t even learned how to play jacks. ________

3. What do you want to do this weekend? _______

4. To point at people is not polite. _______

Section III
Directions: Combine the following sentences with an infinitive phrase:

Sally touched the statue. She wanted to see if it was real.

My dad re-set the clocks last night. That was to make sure I would get up in time.

We boiled our drinking water. This killed the bacteria.

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