
Educational Theorists: Lev Vygotsky

As teachers it is important to have an educational philosophy, or a teaching theory, something to define how we teach and run our classrooms. While this can come from mentors, or peers, or our own teachers, it can also come fom philosophers suc as Lev Vygotsky, Piaget, etc... It is an interesting experience to see what men and women of the past and present have to say that applies diretcly to the classroom.

Example of A Successful Lesson

Last Tuesday, actually yesterday, I taught my first lesson to my 8th graders at Lescher. It went extremely well, and they seemed to like it (especially the candy at the end- this always works) So here is the copy of what I taught and the worksheet I designed for them.

This is the overhead:

Infinitives & Infinitive Phrases

What is a PHRASE?

Phrase- __________________________________________________________________

Types of Phrases:
Gerund &

Preposition- ______________________________________________________________

Prepositional Phrase- _______________________________________________________

New Notes:

***An infinitive is a verb form that may function as a noun.

It is formed from the word TO and the base form of a verb:

TO + base form of verb = an infinitive

It can either be the subject of a sentence:
Ex: To read can be beneficial

Or the direct object of an action verb:
Ex: Babies first learn to babble.

***An infinitive phrase= an infinitive + complements/modifiers

Ex: The bears prepared to eat nuts and berries
Ex: Marsha has chosen to eat all of her grandma’s chocolate chip cookies

Sally is always looking for a chance to swim. Infinitive
She goes to the pool at least once a day. Preposition

The difference is that ‘to’ is not considered a preposition when it is used right before a verb.

Infinitive Preposition
To read To the tree
To dance To his house

So… I’m sure you’re dying to know now how Infinitives function in the sentence…

Answer: as either the Subject or the Direct Object of an action verb

Find the action verb in the sentence:

My Aunt Sheryl loves to make muffins. Direct Object
To sing is relaxing. Subject

Groups for writing a sample paragraph:

Group 1- topic: scuba diving
Group 2- topic: CSAPs
Group 3- topic: weekend activities
Group 4- topic: Halloween
Group 5- topic: English class
Group 6- topic: the internet

Questions for the game at the end:

1) Which of these is a infinitive?

Ran to the tree had to choose skipped to the end

2) Define what a phrase is:

3) What is the formula for an infinitive?

4) What is the formula for a prepositional phrase?

5) An infinitive always includes what word?

6) How can you tell the difference between a preposition and an infinitive?

7) What is the infinitive in this sentence?
a. Everyone would like to get some candy.

8) Is the infinitive in this sentence a DO or a S?
a. My uncle Jerry loves to hit golf balls.

9) Name two kinds of phrases:

10) T or F this sentence has an infinitive phrase:
a. The squirrel ran to the tree.
This is the worksheet to accompany the lecture:
Practice with Infinitives
Name ____________________________

Section I
Directions: Circle the infinitive and underline the infinite phrase:

Ex: Let’s get together to fix the old tree house

1. My sister is teaching me to whistle.

2. Do you like to eat sushi?

3. I’m lucky to go to such a good school.

4. To ignore a red light is not a very good idea.

5. I’m lucky to know how to cook food so important to my mother’s heritage.

Section II
Directions: Circle the infinitive phrase, write DO if it acts as the direct object and S if it acts as the subject of the sentence:

1. Please don’t forget to feed the dog while I’m gone. ________

2. She hadn’t even learned how to play jacks. ________

3. What do you want to do this weekend? _______

4. To point at people is not polite. _______

Section III
Directions: Combine the following sentences with an infinitive phrase:

Sally touched the statue. She wanted to see if it was real.

My dad re-set the clocks last night. That was to make sure I would get up in time.

We boiled our drinking water. This killed the bacteria.